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My name is Felicia Inman and my husband is Dustin Inman. We live in Huntsville, AL and have two children, Dexter and Carter. Hope you enjoy!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Hey, everyone!  Yes, I know it is October and we haven't even got past Halloween yet, but Christmas has been on my mind for a few days now.  Now is the time that I start thinking about what to get everyone and what I am going to cook and so on.  This year it is making me a little sad because I am torn.  For the past two years Dustin and I have packed up and went down to Gadsden and was able to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with our families.  This year I am not so sure that is going to happen.  As our little family has grown it is coming the time where we want to be able to wake up on Christmas morning in our home and watch Dexter as he sees for the first time all of the gifts that "Santa" has brought him.  I remember when I was little on Christmas morning my sister and I would always wake up super early, because we were just so excited that Santa had brought us some presents.  We would creep into the living room to take a peek and when we would see all the gifts around the tree it would make us so excited.  It was the happiest feeling.  Then, we would go in our parents room and wake them up so that they could come see all the gifts that "Santa" has brought us.  I want that so badly for Dexter.  I know that he could do that anywhere we stay, but I want that special moment to be in our home.  Is that too selfish of me?  It's these times when I am having to make these hard decisions that I HATE living so far away.  Christmas is not too far away and it will be here before we know it.  There is so many things that I want to get Dexter that I don't even know where to begin. Of course, he won't get EVERYTHING, but a few things won't hurt.  :)  Y'all wish us good thoughts as we try to decide whether this year is the year we start our little family tradition of Santa on Christmas or just wait till next year when he actually knows what is happening.  I'm torn, because of the distance.

Has anyone else started thinking about Christmas? What are some of the things that your little ones will be getting?  I'm thinking the Crayola 3 in 1 Easel for Dexter along with puzzles and a few other things.  He loves the Easel that Kelly has.

Felicia A. Inman